Published on January 25, 2011 By jmender In WindowBlinds

Well I am still using WB 4.6 and i have some problem with some skins. When the window is maximized it does not cover a small part of the top of the screen. I have an screenshot but i do not know houw to attach it to the message. Is there any way to solve this problem. Thanks in advance.

on Jan 25, 2011

generally speaking, there is usually a small mask at the top of the maximized frames (4 pixels or so) otherwise they don't paint correctly. It is not a problem with windowblinds but an intended necessity with windows.

on Jan 25, 2011

More than likely the skins author made a mistake designing the maximized titlebar, there should be no space at the top of the maximized frame unless it was intentionally designed that way, which would be very unusual.  Best bet would be to contact the skins author and inform them of the issue.

gmc2: I almost fell asleep looking at your avatar, quite hypnotic.

on Jan 25, 2011

gmc2: I almost fell asleep looking at your avatar, quite hypnotic

I agree, it's a little too much, I've changed it out.

on Jan 26, 2011

gmc2: I almost fell asleep looking at your avatar, quite hypnotic
I agree, it's a little too much, I've changed it out.

You did not need to change it out Greg, but thanks, my eyes truly appreciate it.